
  BEACH At the seaside I can be struck by the beautiful thin and pale colors of the beach and the feeling of freedom. I tried to capture the atmosphere of the Dutch beach with the pale tones, transparency, warmth and recognizable stereotypical beachgoers, still with a somewhat alienating effect. Despite the amount of people, […]

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  SALE In advertising the power of repetition makes us believe that our society mainly exists of people in their thirties. An idealized society where we buy and buy and keep in step with what advertising presents us, the promised golden mountains reflecting in the windows…   110 x 56 cm, edition 16

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  SHOWTIME! (A perfect sky for a glorious sea battle that never took place.)   In the setting of a 17th century painting of a sea battle, modern war ships of some 18 countries replace the ancient ones on the very spot. Still you see the sails slightly in the background, and the flags that […]

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A Station

  A STATION Study on people moving or not moving in a station.   90 x 90 cm, edition 5 60 x 60 cm, edition 8 33 x 33 cm, edition 16

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Antwerpen CS

  ANTWERPEN CS Usually travelers criss-cross in apparent chaos, yet reach their destinations. In this work the station is completely abandoned, except for the travellers I selected. I ordened them around a kissing couple (a place of rest in the hustle and bustle of the station) in a new structure derived from the canopy. The […]

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Triple Dutch

  TRIPLE DUTCH How the Dutch conquered the world. Red tulips and stereotypical Delft blue objects float over the water like the Flying Dutchman, where a naval battle is being fought. Traditionally the Dutch are big in the world as a trading country. That’s what they fought for through the ages, and many times during […]

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Es Arte

  ¡ES ARTE! In Spain they recently discovered that animals are so called sentient beings, and a new law is being drafted to protect them from animal cruelty. Unfortunately, as under the guise of tradition, bulls are not covered by this law. So each year still thousands of bulls die a gruesome death in Spanish […]

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Spring Is In The Air

  SPRING IS IN THE AIR A poetic work about a new spring love. Colorful spring flowers dance through the air, tumbling, diving and winding around each other with infinitely long stems until in the pink clouds. Together with the kissing couples the ranunculus, anemones, stock and tulips stand for joy, charm, cheerfulness, happyness and […]

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